The Isca Morrismen were joined by Sweyns Ey and Cardiff Ladies Morris dancers to greet the dawn in Caerleon Amphitheatre on May Day 2006.

They didn't dress up in their colourful costumes, arrive in the amphitheatre before dawn and dance around bells jingling and kerchiefs waving to please their audience. We were both thrilled at the spectacle and left feeling uplifted. But they didn't care that only two of us had watched. They were there to mark the beginning of Summer, and as the sky lightened and another day dawned we shared with the dancers and musicians a feeling of oneness with the rhythm of nature.

After ninety minutes of dancing, at around half past six, the Isca Morrismen led the Cardiff and Swansea 'sides' over the Old Roman Road to their local for a hearty breakfast and a few welcome beers. Essential refreshment, setting them up for a busy day... and audiences. They later performed at Saint Woolos Cathedral, Newport, the Nags Head, Usk, the Carpenters Arms, Shirenewton, and rounded the day off at Magor Spring Fair.

Photos and a reports from other May Days: 2002  2007   2010   2011   2014